Below this , there are a few scattered inflammatory cells 其下面可见散在的炎细胞。
The papillary and polypoid structures contain inflammatory cells in their cores 乳头状和息肉样增生结构,核心部位还有炎细胞。
The stroma contains chronic inflammatory cells with a prominent component of mast cells 间质内含有慢性炎性细胞,肥大细胞较多见。
This muscular artery demonstrates vasculitis with chronic inflammatory cell infiltrates 肌性动脉有慢性炎性细胞浸润的血管炎存在。
Freezing destroys the cancer cells , inflammatory cells , and small sensory nerve cells that cause pain 冷冻破坏了癌细胞、炎症细胞以及引起疼痛的感觉神经细胞。
At higher magnification , the overlying pseudomembrane at the left has numerous inflammatory cells , mainly neutrophils 左边覆盖的假膜有很多的炎症细胞,主要是中性粒细胞。
At low magnification , the collagen of the dermis is increased . chronic inflammatory cells are sparse with systemic sclerosis , unlike sle 低倍镜下,皮肤的胶原增加。不象sle病人,系统性硬化病人的慢性炎性细胞稀少
The microscopic appearance of a microabscess is shown here . the center consists of blue bacterial colonies and is surrounded by acute inflammatory cells 镜下微脓肿。中心可见由蓝色菌落组成,并且为急性炎症细胞所包围。
Microscopically , the abscess has a mixture of inflammatory cells , but the wall of the abscess is " organizing " with ingrowth of capillaries and fibroblasts 镜下,脓肿灶内有大量炎细胞,但脓肿壁由毛细血管和成纤维细胞组成。
This example of inflammatory pseudotumor shows proliferation of spindle cells in a background of myxoid matrix containing scattered inflammatory cells 可见到在有多量小血管的粘液样基质中散在一些成束的梭形细胞及慢性炎性细胞。